Healthy Dogs Healthy Communities
[B]ecause of your co-relationship with the dogs, you couldn’t survive if you didn’t take good care of your dogs. So you always fed your dogs first.
Audio: Genevieve’s Interconnectedness
Dogs…just wanna be loved
[Chapter 5, Pg. 9]
It’s the Maslow’s triangle there. The bottom is your basic needs, so the food, the shelter. Simple. Feed your dog dog food [laughs] and things like that. And if you can, if you have a little bit more money perhaps a little bit more quality dog [food] – it depends on your budget there. And water, fresh water. Shelter, which is I think that’s what most animals including human beings need…[A]nd to keep them healthy, you gotta provide all these things non-stop, continually until the day they pass away or until the day you decide you can no longer keep your pet. I think that’s very basic.’ (LaRonge_5)
We need a vet. Why? Because there's all these dogs that are going around looking for scraps and getting sick. We need a vet, so we can take the dogs in when they need their shots. Why? So, they don't catch any sickness or viruses. In the spring or fall the dogs turn into packs and look for girl dogs and try mate.’
(Youth_K.C.) [Ch.5, Pg.16]
[T]o me, veterinarians have a huge role to play, but I think that if it's just going in to spay/neuter, and just going once a year or twice a year, it won’t be sustainable…There is a great sense of helplessness when a pet is injured in a community that doesn’t have access to veterinary care. People don’t know where to turn which traumatizes many pet owners. Having some basic care would reduce the fear associated with being in direct contact with animals and promote the health of the people and their pets.
[KI2, Ch5, Pg28]
It's, when you sit there without those resources, and this is no fault of anybody’s, like, we don't have a vet here full time. So we all know someone that can stitch a dog and a hot minute if you need it. And, you know, ‘does anybody have deworming meds?’ or ‘can someone help me, I need some vet wrap’ or this and that. So I think the community does a lot of problem solving and also support each other.
[Ch5, Pg29] we learned with COVID, you cannot tell people what to do even when you are that municipality. You know, our expectation is that you keep your dog in an enclosure and same with, with cats and this and that. And so, for me, like, how you would ever roll that out, I mean, it would have to be one heck of a sales pitch because it's just such a difficult thing to do. (KI3.2) all honesty, we don't have a lot of power with those bylaws, unless we want to uphold that within the courts, which isn't always going to be in favor. So, they're tough because if our bylaw is not being upheld, when we are enforcing, and people aren't complying with the fines and the payments or just the different things within. You know, it's a tough one, because it can be a financial investment on behalf of your municipality to continuously be going to court to fight some of these things.
[KI3.1, Ch.?]